
by Fiona

"A pattern keeps recurring in my mind, it goes deeper and deeper and it surfaces."

designer. illustrator. artist.

90cm x 90cm
oil on canvas

A recurring pattern in the artist expression becomes a style on the canvas, a passion in the heart. The smallest part of a concept leads the way and creates the whole picture, a paradox is happening in the midst of the creative process.


A design series, but the nature triumphs.

ocean of mountains 01

140cm x 40cm
oil on cloth

The mountains meet the moon, the reflection turns the landscape into water.

ocean of mountains 02

120cm x 50cm
oil on cloth

ocean of mountains 03

33cm x 41cm x 2
oil on canvas

ocean of mountains 04

60cm x 90cm
oil on canvas

in the woods 01

60cm x 90cm
oil on canvas

in the woods 02

60cm x 90cm
oil on canvas

in the woods 03

60cm x 45cm
oil on canvas

in the woods 04

60cm x 60cm
oil on canvas

realistic imagination

They are the pets, they are the masters.


28cm x 32cm
oil on wooden board

"Get out of my way, peasants."

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